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发布日期:2025-01-02 11:51    点击次数:120

  济宁,书之城也,草圣之乡,墨宝盛世,悄然开启一席画展,名曰《春江花月夜:吕建德书法专题展》。不事铺张,不拘小节,惟以书、诗、乐相融,深引学士雅客。  In Jining, a city renowned for its calligraphic confidence and the homeland of the Sage of Calligraphy, a quiet art exhibition unfolds, named "Spring River and Flower Moon Night: Lu Jiande Calligraphy Special Exhibition". It eschews grandiosity and adherence to trivial formalities, focusing instead on the harmonious blend of calligraphy, poetry, and music, deeply attracting scholars and connoisseurs.  百幅书轴,如百回心许,皆含诗意,书中有曲,曲中有诗,书法之间,各呈艺术之韵。张若虚所赋《春江花月夜》,以其词清丽逸出,律动悠扬,成为吕子笔下之魂。古琵琶之音、筝之清越、与群乐合奏,皆随诗意之转而和鸣,声文交融,以至和谐一致,情感饱满。  A hundred scrolls, like a hundred heartfelt encounters, all embody poetic essence; within the calligraphy, there is music, and within the music, poetry. Each piece of calligraphy presents its own artistic rhythm. Zhang Ruoxu’s poem "Spring River and Flower Moon Night", known for its clear and elegant lyrics and melodious rhythm, becomes the soul under Lu's brush. The sounds of ancient pipa, the clear strains of the zither, and the ensemble of folk music all resonate with the shifts in poetic mood, interweaving sound with text in harmonious unity, rich in emotion.  吕建德,善书与音之双修者,历经沧桑,持笔竹笛,逾越时光之河。昔日孔孟书画院之领冠,兼书法家协与管弦乐学会之士。其一生与《春江花月夜》之诗曲紧绵不绝,以此曲为灵感之泉,慰藉心灵。  Lu Jiande, adept in both calligraphy and music, has traversed the vicissitudes of life with pen and flute in hand. Formerly presiding over the Kong Meng Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, he is a member of both the Calligraphers Association and the Society for Chinese Orchestral Music. His life has been closely intertwined with the poetry and music of "Spring River and Flower Moon Night", which has served as a source of inspiration and solace for him.  大疫之际,吕子于《春江花月夜》中寻得心安,匠心独运,著成书法百七十幅。此作,情与文兼融,笔力圆熟,气韵生动,深得古风之神韵,昭示其书法之独到洞见。  During the years of the great pandemic, Lu found comfort and tranquility in "Spring River and Flower Moon Night", creatively producing 170 pieces of calligraphy. These works, blending emotion with text, exhibit mature penmanship and vibrant spirit, deeply capturing the essence of ancient style and demonstrating his unique insights into calligraphy.  是展览,吕子艺途之新突破,亦书法新章之推进。展之简洁深远,兼容浪漫与高雅,引领观者越碎片之界,见超俗之洞明。在此,观者如入仙境,得精神之慰藉,体验书艺之充盈、丰饶、飘逸。  This exhibition marks a new breakthrough in Lu's artistic journey and a forward push in the new era of calligraphic development. With its simplicity and depth, the exhibition embraces both romance and elegance, guiding visitors beyond fragmented perspectives to see the transcendent clarity. Here, visitors find themselves in a celestial realm, experiencing solace and a rich, graceful, and free-spirited calligraphic life.  《春江花月夜》之展,多方共襄,示吕子开放创新之志,积极传道书艺之行。书法交融音乐、朗诵、园艺之美,构建艺术新境,为书之艺术开辟流传之新天地。  "Spring River and Flower Moon Night" exhibition, collaboratively hosted by multiple parties, showcases Lu's commitment to innovation and his active engagement in promoting the art of calligraphy. Integrating calligraphy with music, recitation, and gardening, it constructs a new artistic realm, paving new pathways for the tradition of calligraphy to flourish.  吕建德,书名显赫,书法大家也。籍列中国书协之资深会员,兼为中国民族管弦乐学会之会员,荣膺国家一级美术师之称号。曾担任国家民族画院书法篆刻院之副院长,亦曾任济宁市孔孟书画院之书记、院长。  Lu Jiande, a renowned calligrapher of great repute. He is a senior member of the China Calligraphers Association and also a member of the China National Traditional Orchestra, honored with the title of National First-Class Artist. He has served as the Deputy Director of the Calligraphy and Seal Carving Institute of the National Academy of Ethnic Painting and was also the secretary and president of the Jining Confucius and Mencius Calligraphy and Painting Academy.  吕氏著有《吕建德书法艺术》等多部专著,其书展遍及北京、深圳、韩国等地,声名远播,观者络绎不绝。丙辰年(公元1989年),中国教育电视台录其《乐韵墨魂——吕建德书、乐艺术》播出,观者如堵,影响深远。  Lu has authored numerous specialized works, including "Lu Jiande's Art of Calligraphy." His exhibitions have been held in Beijing, Shenzhen, Korea, and other places, earning him widespread fame with continuous streams of viewers. In the year of Bingchen (1989), China's Education Television broadcast "The Charm of Music and Ink - Lu Jiande's Calligraphy and Music Art," which was immensely popular and had a profound impact.  国之字库,收录“吕建德行楷”及“吕建德魏碑”两种书体,扬名于海内外。至庚子年(公元2020年),济宁市档案馆特设“家风文脉儒韵人生——吕建德书法艺术陈列馆”,以彰显其艺术成就,传之后世。吕建德之书法,若泉涌流芳,若云卷云舒,自然之妙趣,行笔若飘风细雨,不觉其至而至。其从艺之路,犹如星辰之璀璨,于书海中照万丈光芒,光耀书坛,为世所仰。  The national script database has included two of his styles, "Lu Jiande Xingkai" and "Lu Jiande Weibei," promoting them both domestically and internationally. By the year of Gengzi (2020), the Jining City Archives established the "Lu Jiande Calligraphy Art Exhibition Hall - The Essence of Family Tradition and Confucian Life," to highlight his artistic achievements and pass them on to future generations. Lu Jiande's calligraphy flows like a spring bursting forth, like clouds unfurling naturally and effortlessly, with an innate charm that sweeps across the page as gently as a breeze or a fine drizzle, arriving almost imperceptibly. His artistic journey shines brilliantly like the stars, casting a vast light across the ocean of calligraphy, illuminating the literary world, revered by all.方正字库榜书草书对联仿毛体行书魏碑小楷责任编辑:苗君

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